H5N1 Confirmed in Wyoming Dairy Cattle Herd: What You Need to Know

The Wyoming Livestock Board (WLSB) and the Wyoming Department of Agriculture (WDA) have confirmed the detection of H5N1 in a dairy cattle herd in Wyoming, as reported by the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL). This marks the first confirmed case in Wyoming and the 12th state with an affected dairy herd.

Monitoring and Symptoms

“The Wyoming Livestock Board encourages all dairy producers to closely monitor their herd and contact their herd veterinarian immediately if their cattle appear symptomatic,” said Hallie Hasel, Wyoming State Veterinarian. The primary concern with this diagnosis is on-dairy production losses, as the disease has been associated with decreased milk production. The risk to cattle is minimal, and the risk to human health remains very low.

Symptoms of H5N1 in cattle include:

  • Drop in milk production

  • Loss of appetite

  • Changes in manure consistency

  • Thickened or colostrum-like milk

  • Low-grade fever

Biosecurity and Safety Measures

Producers are encouraged to practice good biosecurity on their farms, such as limiting visitors and excluding any wild birds or animals from the dairy.

Dairies are required to ensure only milk from healthy animals enters the food chain. The pasteurization process, which heats milk to a high temperature, ensures that milk and dairy products can be safely consumed. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm that pasteurization kills bacteria and viruses, including influenza.

Ensuring Consumer Safety

“There is no concern about the safety of the commercial milk supply or that this circumstance poses a risk to consumer health,” said Doug Miyamoto, director of the Wyoming Department of Agriculture. “USDA, CDC, and other agencies continue to emphasize that pasteurization kills bacteria and viruses, like influenza, and that these milk and dairy products are safe to consume. This is a very low risk to human health and the WDA will continue our normal regulatory efforts of the commercial dairy industry in Wyoming to help ensure the continued safety of the dairy products under inspection."

Key Points

  • Confirmed Case: H5N1 detected in a Wyoming dairy cattle herd.

  • Symptoms: Monitor for decreased milk production, loss of appetite, and other symptoms.

  • Biosecurity: Limit visitors and exclude wild animals from dairies.

  • Safety Assurance: Pasteurization ensures the safety of milk and dairy products.


With the first confirmed case of H5N1 in Wyoming, dairy producers are urged to stay vigilant and adhere to biosecurity measures to ensure the health of their herds and the safety of their products. The risk to human health remains very low, and pasteurization continues to be an effective method to safeguard milk and dairy products.


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