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Elanco Fires Back: Rejects Radical Board Overhaul Demands Amidst Stock Surge

In a fiery response to Ancora Holdings Group, LLC's ("Ancora") recent move to nominate four candidates to Elanco Animal Health Incorporated's Board of Directors, Elanco issued a robust statement reaffirming its commitment to its current leadership and strategic direction.

Under the stewardship of CEO Jeff Simmons, Elanco asserts that its Innovation, Portfolio, and Productivity strategy is bearing fruit, driving the company back to growth and fostering an innovative pipeline poised for further expansion. Notably, Elanco's stock has soared by 39% in the past year, outstripping its industry peers and hitting a 52-week high just this week.

The executive team and board of Elanco express willingness to engage with shareholders, including Ancora, for input on enhancing the company's strategy and performance. However, Elanco criticizes Ancora's approach, stating that despite only requesting two meetings, Ancora has refused to allow the Elanco Board to meet its nominated candidates. Instead, Ancora demands the addition of three candidates to the board without allowing Elanco to assess their suitability.

Elanco highlights its recent actions to improve performance, including the strategic sale of its aqua business to reduce leverage and a restructuring initiative to redirect investments for greater value creation. Moreover, the company emphasizes its efforts to enhance corporate governance and shareholder rights.

Despite Ancora's demands, Elanco remains steadfast in its commitment to its current leadership and strategic vision. The company asserts that it is focused on minimizing distractions and executing actions in the best interest of all shareholders.

The standoff between Elanco and Ancora underscores the tension surrounding corporate governance and shareholder activism in the pharmaceutical industry. With Elanco's stock on the rise, the company's response signals its determination to maintain its trajectory of growth and innovation amidst external pressure for change.