Have you read the latest? Check out Vet Candy Magazine’s March issue

From ER to Elite: The Texas SuperVet

Dr. Hennessey, affectionately known as the Texas SuperVet, epitomizes the essence of resilience and determination. While her days are often spent navigating the high-pressure environment of emergency veterinary care, her journey takes a unique turn away from the clinic. In a surprising twist, Dr. Hennessey ventures into the world of bodybuilding, showcasing a side of herself rarely seen by her colleagues and patients.

In 2018, she achieved an extraordinary feat by clinching the NPC Universe National Championship, marking her entry into the exclusive circle of International Bodybuilding Federation professionals. However, her foray into fitness transcends mere physical prowess. It embodies a profound narrative of personal transformation, discipline, and resilience, echoing her approach to both life and work.

Mentorship: Nurturing the Future of Veterinary Medicine

Beyond her accomplishments in the arena of bodybuilding, Dr. Hennessey's dedication extends to nurturing the next generation of veterinarians. As an active mentor, she is deeply involved in supporting veterinary students, offering externships and mentoring programs. Her role as an educator and a role model is paramount, inspiring countless aspiring veterinarians to strive for excellence and compassion in their practice.

A Glimpse Inside the March Issue

Within the pages of the latest Vet Candy Magazine, readers are treated to a plethora of engaging and informative content. From Texas A&M's innovative wellbeing space for veterinary technicians to Penn Vet Students sparking a revolution, each article resonates with the spirit of progress and compassion in the veterinary community. Additionally, heartwarming stories such as the miraculous rescue of a puppy by Cornell vet serve as poignant reminders of the profound impact veterinarians have on the lives of their patients and their families.

Read now: Vet Candy Magazine: https://www.myvetcandy.com/magazines


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