Uncover the Secret Life of a Tuskegee Vet Student: From Dawn Yoga to Midnight Studies - Gabriella Turnipseed Reveals All!

by Gabriella Turnipseed, Class of 2027, Tuskegee University College of Veterinary Medicine

Hello! I'm Gabriella Turnipseed, a veterinary student at Tuskegee University. My days are a whirlwind of learning, self-care, and a deep-seated passion for veterinary medicine. Let me walk you through a typical day in my life, balancing the rigors of academia with personal wellbeing.

5:30 AM: Welcoming the Day

My day begins before the sun rises. I start with yoga and meditation, creating a peaceful foundation for the demanding hours ahead. This quiet time helps me center my thoughts and prepare for the challenges of the day.

6:00 AM: Breakfast - The Most Important Meal

I believe in starting my day with a nutritious breakfast. My go-to is a toasted cinnamon raisin bagel with peanut butter, accompanied by a banana and my favorite Bloom drink. It's the perfect fuel for my brain and body.

6:30 AM: Pre-Class Prep

Next, I dive into my studies. I review today’s lectures on my iPad using Collanote. This helps me grasp the key concepts and prepares me for the intensive learning ahead.

7:40 AM: Off to Campus

I hit the road, excited and ready to absorb new knowledge.

8:10 AM - 11:00 AM: Academic Deep Dive

My mornings at university are packed. I attend back-to-back lectures in Physiology, Epidemiology, and Infections and Immunity. Each class is a step closer to my dream of becoming a vet.

11:00 AM: Culinary Therapy

After lectures, I head home to whip up something delicious. Cooking is my creative outlet. Today, it’s ricotta and mozzarella ravioli, lemon pepper tilapia, and chicken alfredo with broccoli - a feast that keeps me going through the week.

2:00 PM: Pilates Time

I keep my mind and body in harmony with a pilates routine. It’s essential for maintaining my focus and energy levels.

3:00 PM: A Break for My Soul

I take a mental break in the afternoon. It's my time to connect on social media, share some fun facts or motivation, and check on my plants (and make sure my cat hasn’t been at them!). 

5:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Library Hours

I spend my evenings in the library, reviewing the day’s materials and preparing for tomorrow. It's intense, but I love every moment of it. 

7:00 PM: Journaling My Journey

Dinner time is also when I journal. Writing helps me reflect on my experiences and maintain a sense of balance.

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM: Winding Down

After a productive day, I head back home, feeling fulfilled and a bit tired.

 10:00 PM: Planning Ahead

Before bed, I update my calendar with upcoming events and meetings. Staying organized is key in vet school.

10:15 PM: Time to Recharge

Finally, I get ready for bed. Rest is crucial because tomorrow, I get to do it all over again.

Each day is a blend of hard work, dedication, and a bit of fun. It's not just about becoming a veterinarian; it's about growing as a person and making a difference in the world, one animal at a time. I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into my life here at Tuskegee University!


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