Advancing the fight against canine cancer: New research projects to expand Morris Animal Foundation's work

Morris Animal Foundation announced the selection of eight new grant recipients who will advance the Foundation's commitment to improve the lives of dogs suffering from cancer through pioneering research initiatives. 

"We are pleased to fund this diverse set of research proposals addressing aspects of canine cancer," said Dr. Kathy Tietje, Chief Program Officer at Morris Animal Foundation. "The knowledge gained by these studies will advance the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of cancers in both dogs and their humans."

"Our study will address this huge gap of knowledge by yielding detailed insight into soft-tissue sarcoma tumors by analyzing the exact molecular fingerprint of individual cells," said Enni Markkanen, principal investigator for one of the studies approved for funding. "Such knowledge is key to enabling the development of better therapies for patients. We are highly excited about the support by Morris Animal Foundation that makes this study possible!"

 The grant awardees are:


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