Dr. Sabrina Wu in wonderland

Dr. Sabrina Wu isn’t your typical veterinarian.

Oh sure, she enjoys seeing cats and dogs. But in addition to her fluffy four-legged patients, this vet med professional has also worked with a variety of other species, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, and rodents.

Still not exotic enough?

What about hyenas and octopi?

Yes, really!

She has done that too. When it comes to helping animals in need, Dr. Sabrina Wu is always ready to spring into action, no matter the size or species. Her strong interest in exotics, surgery, feline medicine, nutrition, and non-profit work make her a one-of-a-kind veterinarian at Tier 1 Veterinary Medical Center.

Let’s get to know this very special veterinarian!

Listen to Your Heart

Born and raised in sunny Southern California, Dr. Sabrina Wu is a go-to resource for both people and pets at Alaska's only all-in-one animal hospital. But despite relocating up north being the easiest career decision she’s ever made, Sabrina still has to remind herself (and others) to always follow their hearts.

She explains:

“The easiest career decision I made was taking the job at Tier 1 and moving to Alaska. The day I visited, I remember telling Sean that I had a great time and that I’d take a few weeks to think things through. What I didn’t tell him was that I had already made my decision. I had difficulty even admitting it to myself. I’d never seen a team so well-connected and collaborative. The facility was beautiful. Coming from a large city, the open space was so refreshing, and the landscapes were breathtaking.”

It seemed like a dream come true.

Nonetheless, Dr. Wu experienced a moment of doubt. Especially once reality set in.

“I had just gotten into a relationship with someone I genuinely cared about and wavered in my resolve when I thought about leaving,” she recalls. “Ultimately, I decided to follow my gut and make a decision for myself. Fortunately, this worked out for me because he visited, fell in love with the state as well, and is now living up here with me!”

She adds, “No one else knows your heart better than you do. You have so many people expecting so many things from you…but the only voice you really need to listen to is your own.”

And thank goodness she did.

Since settling down in Alaska, Sabrina has rekindled her passion for outdoor recreation, culinary arts, reading, and birdwatching. Not to mention, she has discovered smores ice cream from Wild Scoops in Anchorage – her favorite!

On a Mission to Make the World a Better Place

Determination. Spontaneity. A lifelong search for fun.

Those are the three qualities that Dr. Wu says contributed to her professional success. However, her life’s mission doesn’t revolve around herself alone, but rather making the world a better place for people and animals.

“I hope to make a difference to every patient and client I give my all to,” she shares. “I hope to do my part to reduce the burden on animal rescues. I want to amplify the voices of those who cannot advocate for themselves. In addition, I hope to empower, encourage, and unconditionally support those in my life to reach their goals.”

No doubt about it, the animals of Alaska are in good hands with Dr. Sabrina Wu.


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