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Dr. Emily Clinton has the power

From making her first dollar pet sitting, Dr. Emily Clinton’s relationship with animals has certainly come a long way.

She started off like many aspirating veterinarians do – cleaning kennels at a clinic after school. Now, she is one of the talented staff members at Tier 1 Veterinary Medical Center where she is responsible for providing care to pets on “The Last Frontier.”

For Emily’s nature-loving personality, Palmer, Alaska is a purrrfect fit.

Whether it’s walking her dogs, paddle boarding, yoga, or curling up to read a good book (with her cat, of course!) Dr. Clinton always has a wealth of vet med knowledge to share.

So, without further ado…

Introducing, the incredible Dr. Emily Clinton!

If You Get the Opportunity to Travel, Take It

Home can be any place you make it.

For example, Dr. Clinton was born on a small farm in Oregon. Yet she now calls Alaska home. For her, it was having the chance to travel that changed her outlook on life the most.

Dr. Emily explains:

“The world is both very large and also very small in that we humans are – at the root – the same in trying to live our lives. My parents made sure we travelled around the United States and then I have been lucky to expand that to the world. I think it’s essential for people to open their world view and meet people with different cultures and beliefs so that we can think of humanity collectively and not just our own little group against the others.”

Therefore, when a trip to Africa became possible, how could she say no?

In fact, she even climbed Kilimanjaro!

“It was an amazing and truly life-changing challenge,” Dr. Clinton remembers. “The physical challenge to myself was a wonderful accomplishment and validation of my training. But the people were truly the most incredible part. Our guides through climbing, safaris, and touring everywhere were amazing and thoughtful ambassadors excited to share their beautiful country and culture with us. How so many people rely on the land, the seasons, the animals, and make do with so little is eye-opening. I still marvel that I can turn on the faucet to wash dishes with water rather than using powder and walking miles every day to carry home buckets for drinking and cooking.”

Yes, we are very fortunate indeed.

Travel enriches one’s life and broadens horizons. For veterinarians and those who work with animals (and the humans who love them), exploring new places and cultures can be just as educational as classes taken in school.

5 Star Book Recommendations

In addition to having an interest in medical topics such as canine reproduction, inherited disease, pediatric care, and soft tissue surgery, Dr. Emily Clinton is also something of a bookworm.

“I could make a very long list!” she says with a laugh.

For anyone pondering their next read, she recommends the following three titles:

Ishmael by Daniel Quin

Dr. Clinton says this is a “philosophical novel exploring the definition of culture and civilization and the biases we have been taught in thinking that they have only existed for the last 4000 years. Actually, human history, culture, and civilization began thousands of years before.”

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

“On the surface a novel exploring the humanity of medicine and medical practice. Underneath, an exploration of the definition of love and family, nature vs. nurture, and what it’s like to be born a woman vs. a man in a severely restrictive society.”

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

She shares this book “explores the relationship between humans and land from both a Native American ethnic perspective and that of traditional ecology and biology.”

Each book touches on the themes of kindness, empathy, generosity, and cooperation…qualities Dr. Emily Clinton admires the most.

She summarizes:

“When we practice these qualities collectively, we can flourish as a society and integrate ourselves more easily with our world. We can preserve our environment for future generations and create happier communities.”

Wise words, Dr. Clinton!