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The golden days of Megan Kinney

Megan Kinney sure has her hands full.

She is a mother (as well as fur momma to Pembroke Welsh Corgis), wife, friend, daughter, and Licensed Veterinary Technician all bundled into one package! A graduate of the University of Colorado, Denver and Bel Rea Institute of Animal Technology, Megan has been working in the veterinary field since 2013.

But no matter how busy she gets or what challenges life throws at her, Kinney stays true to her vision: offering the gold standard of care.

Today, Megan Kinney gives us a sneak peak into her life.

Introducing, a vet tech whose dedication knows no limits, Megan Kinney!

It's Not a Bad Life. Just a Bad Day

Taking care of animal patients and their families isn’t always easy. From long hours and sleepless nights to physical demands and emotional burnout, those employed in the veterinary field face extraordinary pressure.

Consequently, it can be hard to keep your spirits up. One way Megan Kinney manages to stay positive is to repeat the best career advice she ever received like a mantra.

She encourages people to remember, “It's not a bad life, just a bad day.”

And when all else fails, she thinks about the one person she admires most in the whole wide world, her mother.

Megan explains, “I admire my mom for her commitment to family. I owe her everything for showing me what unconditional love is. She is patient, compassionate, and genuine. Yet she has no problem being brutally honest when needed. I admire her more than she'll ever know. You'll never know how much I look up to you, Mom!”

Currently, Megan is developing special interests in anesthesia and emergency medicine. Her commitment to care and “can-do” attitude will surely serve her well in these endeavors.

Additional Q & A

What should everyone try once in their lifetime?

 Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane! AKA, skydiving.

Books that left a lasting impression on you?

 Because of Winn-Dixie.

Who will you be in 5 years?

 A more refined, vintage version of the me that I am today.

Who was your hero growing up?

 My daddy!

What advice would you give your younger self?

 Stop caring about what other people think.

How do you clear your head after a long day?

 Watch a good TV series and spend time with loved ones

What adventure has most changed your life?

 My children. They are the most wonderful blessings!