Benefits of healthy gender balance

Equal rights regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Gender balance, also referred to as gender equality, is the equitable distribution of resources between men, women, and everyone else regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. Sadly many conversations and issues surrounding gender balance have historically fallen into the laps of women. Women have been actively fighting for their space in society for a long time. From their right to vote, to their freedom to move about without being overshadowed by men.

Women's rights and gender balance go hand in hand. While women may have started the fight, equal rights are necessary for the joy of everyone living in the structures of society. That means gender balance does not only serve to benefit women. Men, women, trans, non-binary, and children all stand to benefit from gender balance.

Equal Opportunity = Diversity and Growth

Encouraging gender balance at home and in work spaces would naturally boost growth and diversity. For small businesses, companies, or even families gender balance provides everyone the space to contribute. Equal rights mean distributing resources, work, responsibilities, opportunities, and expectations evenly among everyone. This challenges a lot of people's old-fashioned views on what gender roles are, and how a family “should be” run. Gender balance also means listening to potentially underrepresented groups of people to help generate a more authentic environment for gender balance to thrive.

Safer & Healthier Communities

Gender balance helps to encourage safer and healthier communities. It supports children, families, parents, and other adults in society. Especially adults that do not fall within the socially acceptable demographic of white European men. When any person or group of people is intentionally constrained from reaching their fullest potential, society as a whole naturally suffers. Gender balance helps to guarantee that everyone has equal opportunities. Equal opportunity in turn allows everyone a healthy and safe space to contribute their best to their communities and society. Gender balance would help navigate responsibilities among families for work and at home (children, cooking, cleaning, chores, bills, etc.). It would also provide everyone with equal opportunity for financial independence.

Gender inequality is a threat to everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic background. Men, women, trans, non-binary, and other gender-diverse people seeking safe and healthy home or work environments stand to benefit from gender balance. Hopefully, as we build a better understanding of what gender balance means, we can break down harmful gender stereotypes. More people will learn how these stereotypes have caused harm to our society. Then we can find new, healthier ways to navigate structures surrounding sexuality and gender.


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