Dating by Disney!

Indiana veterinarian and inclusion advocate, Dr. Serena Nayee , met her partner Vee, a former vet tech turned artist,  at a time when she was more focused on her career than dating.  Taking a chance, Dr. Serena asked them if they would like to join her for a dinner and a movie- the moving being a Disney classic. 

Hear more in their own words:


Their first date:


Serena:  I asked Vee if they would be interested in joining me for a movie and pizza night, and we watched Lady and the Tramp happily ever after. 


When they knew Dr. Serena was the one:



I  knew Serena was the one when I saw how passionate she was about her career. As someone who has a strong connection to art, I genuinely love seeing people talk about what they love to do. When Serena shared her story about why she was in vet med and the changes she wanted to make through her nonprofit Chapter VIII, it was just an instant feeling in my heart that told me she was the one.


How they make it work:

Vee and Dr. Serena:

We both try our best to prioritize our individual mental health as well as trying to see things from each others perspective. We always make time to spend together before and after work, even if it means just spending time together playing chess and drinking coffee in the morning, or watching a Netflix episode with popcorn at night. We also try our best to understand each other and the experiences that make us who we are. a


Red, white, blue, and love


Planes, trains, and love!