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The not so secret life of Dr. Laura Robinson

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” This is one of Dr. Laura Robinson’s favorite quotes.

Originally spoken by Anatole France, it is relevant for animal lovers and veterinarians alike. And it’s perfect for Dr. Laura...who considers herself to be both!

Born and raised in Southern California, Dr. Laura Robinson received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from University of California, Santa Barbara in 2014 and later went on to receive her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Western University in 2019. Currently, she is a part of the Antonio Animal Hospital team.

Dr. Laura’s soul is deeply connected to animals.
In addition to her work as a veterinarian, she is also a huge rescue advocate.

Vet Candy is happy to have had the opportunity to interview Dr. Laura Robinson. Today, she tells us the best career advice she has received, shares her admiration for Oprah, and gets frank about the biggest problems facing veterinary medicine.

Introducing, the wonderful Dr. Laura Robinson!

Life is a Choose Your Own Adventure Story

When you think about it, it’s pretty incredible how many choices we have.

Take veterinary medicine, for example. There are endless paths one can pursue. Dr. Robinson’s interests include nutrition, dermatology, and surgery. However, she also expanded her horizons visiting Africa to do humanitarian work and has fostered or found homes for more than a dozen dogs.

Dr. Laura knows that life truly is a choose your own adventure story!

But even though most of our time as veterinarians is filled with positive and meaningful work, occasionally, we all have “off” days. When that happens, she remembers the best career advice she ever received.

“Take the good with the bad,” Dr. Laura recalls being told. “There's always more good than bad. You create your own experience.”

Whether it’s getting yelled at by a client or struggling to make a tough decision, she encourages colleagues to remember that your life is your own.

Only YOU are in control of your destiny!

Inspired by Oprah Winfrey

Like many of us, Dr. Laura Robinson’s heroes growing up were her parents. As an adult, she admires Oprah Winfrey.
She explains:

“Oprah is a big one. She is a self-made person who faced so much prejudice for her sex and gender and still became one of the most popular talk show hosts ever. She went through a lot of hardship as a young woman and still pressed on and believed in herself. She is also big on meditation, self reflection and constantly learning new things. She knows how important the little things are and finding stillness and gratitude with each day.”

For Dr. Laura, this includes spending time with family and friends, going to the gym, playing sports, and best of all...swimming and suntanning with her 13-year-old rescue boxer mix, Jessi.

The Biggest Problems Facing Veterinarians

Of course, having role models like Oprah Winfrey is important. They teach us how to handle problems with integrity and grace.

When asked what the biggest problem veterinarians and support staff will face in 2023 and onward, Dr. Laura answered, “Harsh, unappreciative clients and being underpaid.”

Indeed, these are leading to a massive staff shortage nationwide.

Luckily, the vet med community has lots of talented professionals who are working hard to be the voice of animals – like Dr. Laura Robinson herself!