Why Nonyé Williams never gives up

“Never give up on your dreams.”

These words were made famous by former president of the United States, Barack Obama. Millions of children and adults alike were inspired by his speeches about hope, persistence, and resilience.

One little girl in particular who took his message to heart?

Nonyé Williams.

Currently attending Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, she knows all about chasing your dreams. From working in the food court at the Toledo Zoo to graduating from Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and a minor in Video Arts, Nonyé Williams has always worked extremely hard.

Vet Candy is delighted to interview her!

Today, she talks about two things. First, her thoughts on a career in international veterinary medicine. And second, the influence film has had (and will continue to have) on her life and future as an international travel vet.

Introducing, the fabulous Nonyé Williams!

Bridging the Gap Between Local vs Global Medicine

Being a veterinarian is a dream job.

Adorable pets. Fascinating cases. Opportunities to learn, grow, and travel.

Who wouldn’t want to spend their days doing this extraordinary work?

But when asked what the biggest problem facing veterinary medicine is, Nonyé reflected on one of her key reasons for pursuing this path.

She shares, “I believe there is not much knowledge about the many roles vets play in society. Because of this lack of knowledge, it has had a negative impact on many species globally. If people knew all that vets do for One Health, I believe we could get more support from our clients and save more species.”

So, after practicing in an emergency hospital for a couple of years, Nonyé plans to go into wildlife/international work and help bridge that gap.

RELATED: Catch Nonyé Williams on 21 Questions with Vet Candy

Grab the Popcorn and Roll the Film

It’s also important to remember as vet med professionals, we are allowed to be multi-passionate.

Actually, having other interests and hobbies outside of caring for animals is healthy. For example, music, art, film, sports, etc. 

Nonyé Williams explains:

“Although I love animals and vet school is a large priority in my life at the moment, vet school and animals are not what makes me ‘me.’ I am a complete individual with so many other interests and passions outside of vet med, so I am very serious about holding onto these other passions while being in school.”

In fact, the best advice she ever received was, “I am in vet school, but vet school is not me.”

For her, that means enjoying a good movie.

Some of Nonyé’s favorites include The Revenant, Interstellar, Parasite, and Joker. 

“I’m a huge film fan and have always loved going to the movies each weekend growing up,” she recalls. “This passion caused me to pursue a Video Arts minor in undergrad and join a film club on campus as well. Film has a very special place in my heart and will continue to even while I’m in vet school.”

Who knows?

Maybe one day, we will see Nonyé on the big screen alongside animals!

She shares her parting words.

“Never give up,” Nonyé encourages us. “Trust God in everything you do, no matter the circumstance and how bad things seem in the moment. Because He will always have your best interests at heart.”



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