Vet Candy

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Do you hate webinars as much as I do?

Is there anything more gruelling than a boring webinar?

You know the ones…

Dull. Repetitive. Presented by an invisible speaker who has a monotone voice. Or worse, somebody who robotically reads off a PowerPoint screen overloaded with tiny text. It’s enough to put you to sleep!

In fact, studies show that people only retain about 10% of what they hear.

So, even if you manage stay awake during that tedious webinar talk, chances are your brain won’t absorb and hold onto most of the information that is shared, which is a shame.

The truth is, despite being around for decades, the majority of vet med webinars rely on outdated technology, have lousy video and audio quality, lack engagement, and don’t take into account how human beings actually learn in the 21st century.

The result?

Eager learners who have paid costly fees (expecting top tier resources) only to be left disappointed.

Luckily, that’s where Vet Candy CE comes to the rescue!

Digital Learning for the Modern Veterinarian

Times have changed.

Historically speaking, the webinar first emerged in the 1990s. It was intended to be a combination of two business tools, the “web” and “seminar.” Thus, the term webinar was born. Originally, webinars were very passive. The audience watched silently while an expert or teacher talked over a screen. This made them effective for sales and when large groups of employees had to be trained in short periods of time.

According to Forbes, webinars—or web (sem) inars—were born around the end of 1980s, but it took until 1996 for the first public web conferences to be available through the efforts of Microsoft's launch of NetMeeting.

Of course, learning has evolved a lot in the past 30 years.

Nowadays, people have options when it comes to where to get their continuing education content.  

And considering the average human attention span is a mere 8.25 seconds, it is more important than ever to offer engaging content that captures the attention of the audience.

Vet Candy viewers tell us, this is where our programs shine!

Hundreds of thousands of veterinary professionals around the world now turn to Vet Candy for the latest clinical updates, continuing education, and expert advice. Unlike webinars from decades past, our CE is produced by an expert network of exciting veterinary experts, influencers, and contributors known for being leaders in their respective fields.

Think of it like “Netflix” but for vet med professionals.

As more and more veterinarians seek to update their knowledge and skills, Vet Candy is on standby with studio quality CE on demand on our website and even on Vet Candy TV, a free app you can download on to your Smart TV. 

And, what is even better, all of our fabulous CE is absolutely free and can be streamed anytime, anywhere, from any device.

Check it out for yourself and see why Vet Candy makes learning fun!

Vet Candy CE on Demand