Vet Candy

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Arianna Adams takes flight

Education is a gift.

According to the United Nations, over 260 million children do not get to attend school. Reasons for this staggering number include living in a war zone, poverty, gender discrimination, natural disasters, or simply because there is no school close enough to get to and from each day.

Therefore, it is important that we never take education for granted.

As someone who is a first-generation college student with a love of both animals and children, Arianna Adams values every second of her education!

Recently, Vet Candy caught up with this DVM class of 2023 candidate. Today, Arianna shares why pursuing a veterinarian career was the easiest decision she’s ever made, plus tells us a little bit about how leadership, integrity, and communication have shaped her experience in vet school (and life).

Get to know our rising star, Arianna Adams!

Three Qualities of a Superstar Veterinarian

We all have different personalities and character traits…and that’s a good thing.

Some people are quieter and introspective, which makes them excellent listeners and deep thinkers. Others are natural born extroverts who are skilled public speakers and relationship builders.

For Arianna Adams, it’s all about embodying leadership, integrity, and communication.

She explains:

“These three qualities are ones that I feel allowed me to get as far as I have. I have the will and strength to lead and be a team player. I love to mentor and teach others as well. My integrity allows me to set boundaries for myself and others. Communication and comprehension are key when things need to get done. I try to make sure any issues, questions, or concerns are communicated well with the people I am around to ensure we are on the same page. I think my ability and love of talking can help others feel more at ease and comfortable around me.”

Currently in her clinical year at the University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine, Arianna is studying hard to become a "Day One Ready" veterinarian.

Judging from her accomplishments so far, she’s got exactly what it takes to be an out of this world veterinarian!

Be Confident In Who You Are

Like many in the field, Adams knew she wanted to become a veterinarian ever since she was a little girl.

“I never wavered from this path,” she says. “I was inspired by my very first dog Angel. Veterinary medicine allows me to combine my passion for animals, family, and healthcare.”

When not at the gym, exploring beautiful Costa Rica, watching funny animal videos (and let’s be real…who doesn’t spend hours doing the same?) Arianna also enjoys spending time with family. Above all, she appreciates her parents.

Arianna shares that, “Together they have built a legacy for us to follow so that we did not have to endure some of the things they went through growing up. I aspire to have their strength, focus, intelligence, and most importantly their love.”

In five years, Arianna hopes to Dr. Arianna Adams – a fantastic black veterinarian inspiring little kids who look like her.

Her #1 tip for fellow students?

“You know way more than you think,” promises Arianna. “Be confident in who you are and what you represent.”