Dr. Katie Lawlor is not holding back

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your mental health today?

Here is an often-ignored truth: mental health exists on a spectrum.

What might start off as a “good” mental health day can quickly become…less so. For professionals like veterinarians and veterinary technicians who regularly work with people and animals in high stress situations, it’s extremely important to pay attention to the fluctuations in your mental health.

Dr. Katie Lawlor knows all about this.

In fact, she’s made it her life’s mission to improve mental health!

Currently, Dr. Lawlor is the Co-Founder and Director the Veterinary Mental Health Initiative (VMHI).

She holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the joint program between the Stanford University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the Pacific Graduate School of Psychology. Additionally, she trained at both the Stanford University Medical Center and the VA Palo Alto Health Care System, focusing on human-animal interactions (HAI), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), neuropsychology.

When it comes to reducing stigma around anxiety, depression, and suicidality in the vet med community, Katie is in it for the long-haul.  

So, without further ado, My Vet Candy is thrilled to introduce the incredible Dr. Katie Lawlor!

Be a Good Human, and Everything Else will Come

We all have good days and bad days at work.

Who among us hasn’t cried at least once in the broom closet? Dr. Lawlor sure has.

But when the going gets tough, Katie knows that all we can control is our reaction to the situation we find ourselves in, show up, and do our best.

With refreshing honesty, she shares the best career advice she ever received. Lawlor remembers, “The morning I was preparing to meet with my first ever patient, I was incredibly nervous. I checked in with my supervisor, who is a brilliant and kind clinical psychologist at the Palo Alto VA. He reminded me that if I showed up ‘as a good human,’ everything else would fall into place.”

Before an important meeting or public speaking event, Dr. Lawlor still repeats those words back to herself. This reassurance helps her shift her focus to the meaning and purpose in her work.

Great advice!

Eradicating Stigma with Veterinary Mental Health Initiative

Still, sometimes veterinarians need outside support for their mental health.


And it’s not always easy to talk to friends, family, or work colleagues. Many of us worry about becoming a burden or how admitting a struggle might affect our reputation and future career opportunities.


That’s where Dr. Lawlor steps in.


She explains:

“I co-founded the Veterinary Mental Health Initiative in 2020 to provide free and confidential mental health services to veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and staff. My mission is to eradicate the stigma and shame that often comes with seeking care for mental health, while providing a safe, understanding, and supportive space to foster well-being and agency.”


Yes, the vet med world is full of trials and tribulations.

But Dr. Katie Lawlor isn’t afraid of a challenge. Instead, she chooses to rise to the occasion, always!

“When faced with a challenging decision or option for course of action, I ask myself what’s most important to me, knowing that my time on this earth is limited,” she says. “What impact would I like to make?”

From there, she finds her answer and acts accordingly.

No doubt about it, with Dr. Lawlor at the helm of Veterinary Mental Health Initiative, a huge impact is being made on our community. My Vet Candy encourages our readers to check out these free and confidential mental health services.

After all, mental health = health!


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