Oral or injectable supplementation with cobalamin? Which is best?

Researchers evaluated forty-six client owned dogs with hypocobalaminemia with cobalamin supplementation in a randomized clinical trial. Dogs were divided into two groups, one group that had been diagnosed with chronic enteropathy and one that had been diagnosed with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Dogs were evaluated for normalization of both serum cobalamin and methylmalonic acid.


The dogs with chronic enteropathy and those with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, serum cobalamin concentrations increased with oral or injectable routes of supplementation. However, serum methylmalonic acid concentrations decreased with oral or injectable supplementation in dogs with chronic enteropathy, but only with oral supplementation in dogs with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

The research suggests that either route (oral or injectable) of supplementation is effective for cobalamin supplementation in dogs with hypocobalaminemia caused by CE or EPI.

For more information, check out the link below:

Effect of oral or injectable supplementation with cobalamin in dogs with hypocobalaminemia caused by chronic enteropathy or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency


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