How prevalent is epilepsy in Boxers?

Researchers created a retrospective study to evaluate the prevalence of structural and idiopathic epilepsy in Boxers. The study evaluated a total of 74 Boxer dogs with history of seizures. Only dogs that underwent MRI of the brain and had completed medical records were included in the study.

Five dogs (6.8%) were diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy, of which one was in the <6 months age group, three were in the 6-72 months age group and one was in the >72 months age group.

Sixty-nine dogs (93.2%) were diagnosed with structural epilepsy. Of those, sixty-six had a suspected intracranial neoplasia and 81.8% of the patients had a suspected intra-axial tumor and 22.7% of dogs with an intracranial pathology nevertheless had a normal neurological examination

The results suggest that in the majority of boxer patients the cause of epilepsy is a suspected intracranial neoplasia regardless of the age at presentation.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Prevalence of idiopathic epilepsy and structural epilepsy in 74 Boxer dogs in a referral hospital


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