Vet Candy and zant. team up to make mental health support accessible to the veterinary community

Today, Vet Candy and zant. announced a new partnership to extend care to veterinary students and veterinary professionals. zant. is a mental health services app connecting mental health providers to those in need. The goal of this partnership is to bring much-needed tools and support to the veterinary profession and to normalize the mental health conversation.

Veterinary professionals are some of the most highly trained individuals when it comes to caring for animals, but they often don’t have access to the same level of care when it comes to their own wellbeing. A recent wellness study by Merck Animal Health of veterinarians has shown that those in the profession experience high levels of burnout and compassion fatigue. Even those who were mentally healthy and had high levels of well-being overall experienced these negative emotions with some frequency. 

Another study, conducted by Kansas State University, shows that the problems often start in vet school, with more than 32% of veterinary students having symptoms of depression. In addition, a 2019 study published in the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education found that although veterinary students may experience elevated rates of mental health issues, many forego mental health treatment due to negative attitudes about mental health treatment, lack of knowledge about treatment options, and associated stigma.

The collaboration between Vet Candy and zant. seeks to change the mental health outlook for veterinary health professionals. Through this partnership, both companies are committing to provide resources and support for veterinary professionals everywhere.

“Vet Candy is committed to supporting physical and emotional wellness for the veterinary profession,” says Dr. Jill López, CEO, and Founder of Vet Candy. “Collaborating with zant. will help us normalize the need for accessible mental health resources and help remove the stigma surrounding mental health treatment.”

zant. is growing the largest network of underrepresented mental health providers with services ranging from anxiety, burnout, addiction recovery, eating disorders, depression, and more, in an effort to connect them with those in need across the U.S., especially college and university students. 

“We are thrilled to be teaming up with Vet Candy. The zant. app and wellness resources are for everyone but placing an emphasis on vet students to seasoned veterinary pros will hopefully fill the gap in the need for support services for them.” Says Maggie Rose, CEO, and Founder of zant. “Now, veterinary professionals have another resource to help them maintain their mental health.”

A newly-released tagging feature on the zant. app will help users find professionals who can help with specific issues, which include grief, trauma, stress, OCD, and more. By using the tagging feature on the zant. app, users will be able to navigate quickly and easily to the information they need. Professionals who have registered with zant. will also be able to list their services under specific tags so that potential clients can find them more easily.

For more information, or to sign up for free, visit

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