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Dr. Indya Woods takes on her riskiest role yet

For those who have beaten the odds and managed to get into a veterinary school and reach graduation, becoming a veterinarian has often been a lifelong dream. For Dr. Indya, a recently graduated veterinarian, graduating has been her biggest dream—and biggest adventure—yet.

On her path to becoming a veterinarian, Dr. Indya Woods has developed talents she didn’t even know she had, sharpened her focus, and made her into the person she is today. She describes vet school as the biggest adventure she’s had in her life.

Indya has always been a driven individual. If she could give advice to her younger self, it would be to stop driving so hard to solve every issue that comes her way. Her instinct is to try to rush through a problem to find the answer, and that’s not always the best choice.

Words to live by

She once heard a great quote that says, “Don’t wish away even a minute of your life,” and she finds it a useful reminder to slow down and enjoy life as it comes—even the difficult parts.

Indya cares deeply about inclusivity and has played an active role at her college to help underrepresented veterinary students get the support they need to thrive. This year has been her biggest effort yet. She has planned and will lead a summer enrichment program at her college.

The enrichment program is called the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine Summer Veterinary Intensive Program (VIP) and will help the 10 students selected gain large and small animal experience.

She hopes that the knowledge she has learned through her time in college will be of use to other students starting out, and that she can provide them new and exciting skills to take into their future careers.

Keeping it real

Dr. Indya’s goal is to stay vulnerable in her career, and to be her authentic self every moment. Her deepest wish is that she will be able to represent the minority veterinarian community and be an inspiration to others who want to follow in her footsteps.

She is a strong advocate for those around her and works every day to help provide a path for others to follow.

She hopes that 5 years from now, she’ll be an experienced veterinarian that loves her job, and is genuinely happy. She hopes that her work with minority veterinarians, students, and those who dream of following that path will help the community in a real and impactful way.

Try this!

Dr. Indya loves adventure in every possible way. If she could suggest one thing every person should try, it is tandem skydiving. Tandem skydiving gives you an incredible experience, helps you put your faith in another person, and allows you to surrender control in a real way.

Dr. Indya is passionate about animals and her new career as a veterinarian. She looks forward to the future and hopes to keep helping animals and people. She is a wonderful new addition to the veterinary community, and looks forward to a long and exciting career as a veterinarian.