Clinical outcomes of thyroid tumors in dogs

Fourteen cases of canine thyroid tumours with concurrent mesenchymal and epithelial neoplastic were evaluated. Histopathologic samples and reports were collected from 10/14 dogs and reviewed by a single board-certified anatomic pathologist.

All 14 dogs had surgery to remove the thyroid neoplasm with the most common performed being a unilateral thyroidectomy (10/14 dogs). Systemic therapy was administered in eight dogs post operatively.

  • Six dogs developed local recurrence with a median time of 53 days.

  • Ten dogs developed metastatic disease with the most common metastatic site being the lungs, with a median time to metastasis of 93 days.

  • Ten dogs were euthanised due to progression of their mixed thyroid neoplasm.

  • The median survival time for dogs treated with adjuvant therapy was 189 days while those without adjuvant therapy had a median survival time of 156 days.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Clinical outcomes of thyroid tumours with concurrent epithelial and mesenchymal components in 14 dogs (2006-2020)


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