Vet Candy

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Ashliegh Alfonso is making the grade

There is a famous saying that goes, “Education is a passport to the future.”

Here at Vet Candy, that’s a motto we can get behind!

Ashliegh Alfonso believes in it too.

As a fourth year DVM student at the University of Florida, she has had no shortage of experience in the field of education. Before moving to North Florida to complete her degree, this South Florida native finished her bachelor’s with a minor in communications. She has also worked in small animal general practices and wildlife facilities.

For Alfonso, learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom.

Vet Candy had the opportunity to catch up with Ashliegh about her veterinary journey so far. Today, she shares what prompted her to pursue a Veterinary Business Management Certificate, which three qualities contributed most to her academic success, and why “failure” is the secret key to learning.

Introducing, the brilliant Ashliegh Alfonso!

Expanding Her Business Skills Since Day 1

Being business-savvy isn’t essential to becoming a veterinarian.

In a 2018 study published by the American Veterinary Medical Association, researchers found that only 21.3% percent of people identified themselves as practice owners. Yet many younger vet med students dream of expanding their business skills in areas such as accounting, finances, human resources, operation management, marketing, and communication skills.

For Ashliegh Alfonso, a Veterinary Business Management Certificate was the perfect match.

That is because in addition to being a student herself, Ashliegh also helped others make the grade. In fact, she even launched an independent tutoring business while still in school.

She explains:

“Throughout vet school (up until I started 4th year) I've been doing freelance tutoring for organic chemistry students. It's something I'm personally passionate about and I've had a really great time helping undergraduate students while also making some money on the side of my veterinary journey. It also sparked my interest in expanding my business skills.”

It may be a rigorous program, but Ashliegh knows a Veterinary Business Management Certificate will open future doors!

Qualities Needed to Succeed

What else does a vet med student need to succeed?

If you were to ask Ashliegh Alfonso, the answer would be:

1)    Resilience

2)    A Positive attitude

3)    Being strategic

“Personally, I’ve had quite a few setbacks throughout my pre-veterinary journey such as failing classes, not performing academically as well as I wanted to, and hurdles in my personal life,” Alfonso shares.

“However, having a positive outlook and trusting the process made it easier to be resilient and continue pushing through. I was able to turn a lot of my shortcomings into growth opportunities and looking back, I’m ultimately grateful for many of those opportunities.”

Indeed, as veterinarians, many of us are perfectionists. But Ashliegh’s words are a good reminder that failure is a part of learning.  

She adds:

“As far as being strategic, I remember in undergrad hearing this speaker mention the importance of ‘tunnel vision’ when pursuing your goals. His point was that it’s important to have a mindset that calculates how each decision and commitment you make today will take you closer to your goals in the future. By applying that mindset, I think it made my journey more straightforward.”

Vet Candy is excited to see where Ashliegh Alfonso’s journey takes her as a soon-to-be class of 2023 graduate!