Dr. Sandra Faeh Butler's fight for the future

“It’s not enough to wish upon stars. You must actively reach for them.”

Those are the words that best describe someone like Dr. Sandra Faeh Butler.

Brilliant, hardworking, and never one to turn away from a challenge, this University of Illinois graduate has been involved with organized veterinary medicine for more than 20 years. From making her first dollar as a receptionist at a veterinary hospital to being part owner of four animal clinics and later holding the position of 2020-22 AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) vice president, Sandra has always gone above and beyond.

Now, she in on the heels of an exciting new venture…

Running for president of the AVMA!

Vet Candy could not be happier to tell you more about Dr. Sandra. Recently, we had the opportunity to talk to Faeh Butler about her mission in life, how she is using her role as a leader to make the world a better place, and what advice she has for young veterinary students.

Introducing, American Veterinary Medical Association superstar Dr. Sandra Faeh Butler!

Let’s Make the World a Better Place

As veterinarians and vet med professionals, when we put on those white coats and blue scrubs, our identity takes on a whole new meaning. Suddenly, you go from being an ordinary human being to an individual families trust to provide the best care to their beloved pets.

RELATED: How AVMA officers are elected

Dr. Sandra Faeh Butler doesn’t take this for granted.

In fact, it is the glue that holds together her mission in life: to make the world a better place.

She explains, “My mission in life is to leave the world a little better when I myself leave it. I want to leave behind children, veterinarians, and leaders that are kind and caring and are excited to pass on their gifts to the next generation.”

Of course, finding your mission in life isn’t easy. To figure out one’s calling can take years. Even decades.

To help speed up the process and minimize roadblocks, Dr. Sandra recommends spending time reflecting on the things you are most passionate about. That includes people, places, interests, hobbies, and – this goes without saying – animals!

“Finding a purpose in life is so important because it gives you joy and a reason to get up every day,” she says. “Everyone should have at least one passion.”

For her, that includes all things veterinary related. Plus, her horse named Ace.

A Good Leader Leads from Above. A Great Leader Leads from Within

Without a doubt, Dr. Sandra has all the makings of a great leader.

She is patient but determined. Additionally, she understands the biggest problems facing a veterinary career today (namely staff shortages in every level, from doctors and technicians to receptionists). Yet despite it all, she is still able to maintain a sense of humor.

“I am stubborn,” Dr. Faeh Butler admits with a laugh. “I never give up! I always look for the good in everything.”

These leadership qualities are much appreciated, especially by the students she has mentored. Several times per year, she addresses veterinary students at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine and has also spoken with students at Ross University. An advocate of volunteering, she truly leads from within the community itself.

Dr. Sandra’s final words of advice?

“I would like people to give everyone more grace and try to walk in other people’s shoes,” she says. “We can get there by listening to each other, being more patient and not always thinking about ourselves first.”

Vet Candy wishes the best of luck to this candidate for AVMA President-elect!