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Dr. Debbye Turner Bell lets her confidence shine

Normal veterinarian attire includes many things. For example, a white coat, blue scrubs, stethoscope, cap, and pair of gloves.

But a crown?


Not unless your name is Dr. Debbye Turner Bell, of course!

That is because in addition to being a veterinarian, Debbye was also the winner of Miss America in 1990. Originally born in Hawaii, this communications megastar attended Arkansas State University where she received her B.S. degree in agriculture. Later, the University of Missouri-Columbia became home as she pursued her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

Who would have guessed that a veterinarian could also win the Miss America crown? Yet for this wonder woman, that’s exactly what happened!  

Vet Candy is bubbling with excitement to introduce our readers to the incredibly talented Dr. Debbye Turner Bell.

How to Find and Use Your Gifts

Having the opportunity to work with animals is a blessing.

As vet med staff, we know this. No matter what capacity you’re employed in – from greeting patients at the door, cleaning cages, booking appointments, and performing spay/neuter surgeries to answering questions or carrying out unpaid rescue and volunteer work – we all have special gifts.

And the animals in our care depend upon them.

Dr. Debbye Turner Bell explains:

“There lies within each of us divinely given, unique abilities that proclaim our reason for being on this earth. The highest level of success is discovering our true talents and passions, developing them to their fullest, and sharing them unabashedly. When we do this, our success transcends mere achievement and becomes significance. And we leave an indelible mark on the world.”

However, unlocking your gift requires a non-quitter attitude.  

Dr. Debbye knows this. It took her seven years and eleven tries in two states before her smashing win as Miss America.

So, for those feeling unsure of how to best utilize their gifts (or even what they are), remember that if Tuner Bell can do it…so can you!

Raising the Next Generation of Powerful Women Leaders

Winning Miss America is certainly a life-changing event.

The organization itself shares, “It’s more than a title, it’s a movement of empowering young women everywhere to dream big, to insist that their voices be heard and to inspire change in the world around them.”

Since her year of service, Dr. Debbye Turner has gone on to embrace this motto.

Much of her current work focuses on helping women leaders. Alongside being a wife and mother, she is busy doing leadership development, motivational and Christian speaking, and television broadcasting. In one seminar description, Dr. Turner writes, “In spite of this age of unprecedented access and opportunity for women in the workplace, women still lag far behind men in positions of power and leadership.”

How true this is.

Gender discrimination and sexism are still very much alive in the world of veterinary medicine. Despite being a female-dominated field, there is still a huge imbalance of owner/partner positions held by men.

But thankfully, phenomenal vets like Dr. Debbye are doing their part to uplift the next generation of powerful women leaders!

Dr. Turner Bell’s parting advice?

“Those who hold stereotypes have a limited view of others,” she says. “Don’t allow others’ limited view of you keep you from fulfilling your entire potential.”