5 Tips on Reclaiming Your Weekends

Setting work-life boundaries are difficult for a lot of people. It’s like the moment you leave the office or workspace, you’re already considering what you might have to do for work next.

Leave Work at Work

Setting healthy boundaries means that you are living your normal life when you step out of work. You should not be answering work calls or constantly checking your email. It’s okay to check in daily if you must, but let yourself take a break from your work environment. This will allow you to navigate weekends according to what YOU want. It will also help you mentally rejuvenate yourself and set yourself up for a great week.

Plan a Mini Vacation

This one can be as big or small as you want it to be. Do what you need to do to get out of your house. Plan a hike, do yoga in the park, or see a matinè with a friend. Just do something you wouldn’t have the time to do during your work week. Reclaim your time by making plans that allow you to live outside work.

Don’t Sleep Your Weekend Away

One of the worst things you can do is to sleep all your free time away. While it’s okay to use the weekends to get some extra sleep, it can be harmful to yourself in the long run if you overdo it. Give yourself time to do what you want while awake. Sometimes it’s enough to remind yourself that you are waking up because you want to for yourself, not because you have to for work. Don’t set yourself up to feel like you went to sleep and woke up just to go back to work Monday morning.

Do Something With Your Community

Some people enjoy volunteering, while others enjoy a simple stroll through the neighborhood. We easily overlook many quality aspects of our neighborhoods and neighboring communities because it feels ordinary. Step out of your home and comfort zone by doing something you enjoy with your community.

Conquering “Sunday Blues”

Many hard-working people struggle to mentally leave their workspace because they always anticipate the next work day. Setting boundaries with work is very important for this reason especially. Maintaining a work-life balance means that even when Sunday evening comes around, you can enjoy your free time without letting the dread of Monday bring you down.

Appreciate your time off, and keep work worries for workdays.


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