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Dr. Rachel Venable on fighting for what she wants in a career

When a dog is diagnosed with cancer, it can be a very vulnerable time for the family. Many difficult questions need to be answered. Is the cancer treatable? What treatment options are available? What will the quality of life be for that pet?

When an owner or even a veterinarian has a canine cancer patient and some burning questions to go along with it, they turn to Dr. Rachel Venable for answers. Dr. Rachel runs a consulting agency for both pets and veterinarians regarding cancer, Pet Cancer Care.

She believes in a team based approach that involves everyone in the rehabilitation of a sick animal. Although she is passionate about animals and their care, Dr. Rachel is equally giving to people in crisis, regularly volunteering for global charity, Be The Change.

If Dr. Rachel could no longer be an oncologist, she might try being a coffee barista. Although these two careers are wildly different, she loves the chill and zen atmosphere of a great coffee shop—but suspects it won’t be quite the same mood if she did become a barista.

One of the best career tips Dr. Rachel has ever received is that you need to make good decisions on the little things, if you want to have the opportunity to make decisions on the big things. This makes sense no matter what career you are in, but is especially important when an animal’s life often depends on the choices you make.

Dr. Rachel is also concerned about many problems facing the veterinary field, including burnout and severe debts associated with a veterinary education. These problems make it hard to keep people in the field, and are a hurdle in getting new students to sign on.

Another problem Dr. Rachel  is concerned about is the communication barrier between veterinarians and clients. It’s important for clients to understand problems involving their pets, but not always that easy to explain in a clear manner. Without clear communication, it can result in disastrous situations for both the pet owner and the veterinarian.

Although career is a big part of her life, it’s not the only part. She believes in the importance of maintaining a good work-life balance. After a stressful day at work, she likes to relax by taking a nice long walk, or exercising in some other way. The exercise helps release endorphins, and makes her feel better about a long day. 

She also loves to read, and was particularly inspired by classics such as the Count of Monte Cristo as a child. She is particularly fond of classics because of the unique way they were written, and the way they sweep you back in time.

Dr. Rachel is also currently learning how to play the piano, and believes that everyone should try learning a new instrument as an adult. There’s something about learning a new instrument that helps your brain work in new ways, and really benefits your adult mind.