Vet Candy

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Dr. Cade Wilson's secret formula


If you have ever looked through a microscrope, you probably know the microscopic world is a fascinating one. Dr. Cade Wilson has spent many years peering into this tiny world, and has even made it possible to record what you see for others with a unique device called the Skoped Micro.

The Skoped Micro greatly expands the freedom of all scientists, but it’s especially useful for veterinarians. With it vets can share what they are seeing under the scope live, accurately measure what they see, and visualize things in a whole new way. It allows them to share in detail when they’ve seen, instead of relying on a verbal description.

This amazing invention is just one aspect of a remarkable man. He has always known he would be a veterinarian, and can’t imagine living a different life these days. He always thinks about the potential impact of what he does, and is careful to make sure he lives within his means.

Dr. Wilson had many influences in his life that shaped him as a person, but perhaps one of the most profound was the lessons he learned as a baseball player during his youth. 

In an interview with Vet Candy he said, “Good baseball players fail at batting 7 out of 10 times and that is the good ones.  Learning at a young age that it’s not about the failing but more about the effort that is applied to your task at hand.”

This useful bit of knowledge has been made part of every aspect of his life. When he first invented the Skoped Micro, it had huge impacts in his life as a veterinarian. It was suddenly easier to educate his clients because he had a picture to show them. New business came in from social media because he could explain symptoms along with a stunning image of the problem he saw. 

When it came to turning it into a business however, he hesitated. He treasured his time outside the veterinary office as a father and husband. Growing up he had wonderful memories of his father, a man who was well respected by everyone he knew. His father always had time for family, even into their adult lives. 

What if this time was eaten away by a new business selling his product? Yet at the same time, what if this new product could help other veterinarians educate clients and improve their lives?

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He eventually decided to create the business, but has taken care that it never interferes with his life outside of work. His product has helped veterinarions with a handy tool that can help them in almost every aspect of their work, while also being tough enough to withstand getting dropped or harmed during work.

In today’s fast paced office, Dr. William worries about burnout and the speed of which diagnoses need to be made. When compared to a human medical environment, vets are often given a fraction of the time to do the same thing—with often somewhat more difficult patients.

He’s working to provide some help to this situation through his business, but these things won’t change overnight. Burnout is real, and slowing down is an important piece of the puzzle a few  gadgets alone won’t help.