Research explained the impact of treadmill exercise on dogs’ heart rates

Changes in heart ratesreflect different conditions like pain, fear, and anticipation in dogs. However, such changes can’t be assessed regularly in veterinary patients undergoing rehabilitation procedures. By knowing such heart rate changes inrehabilitation activities can help toregularizepost-surgical therapies.The centralmotive of this analysis was to analyze heart rate changes in dogs during treadmill walks and comparethree  HR collection techniques, namely, HOLTER, auscultation, and HR analyzer. It was hypothesized that heart rate would increase during exercise by twenty percent,HR during and after exercise will not be the same,and all measurement techniques will be in agreement.The heart rate of eight healthy dogs was gaugedby all techniquesduring nap, beforethe walk, during the walk,and few seconds after the walk simultaneously. Elevation in heart rate was detectedduring the walk, but no peak was perceived after the walk. No correlation was observed between weight/age and heart rate peak. But main deficiency of this research was that only large and healthy dogs were employed in it for evaluation.

Read more by clicking on the given link:

Heart Rate Changes Before, During, and After Treadmill Walking Exercise in Normal Dogs


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