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Are you taking care of your surgical instruments correctly?

Surgical instruments demand proper caring to ensure their apt function and longevity. No doubt, you need to find out modern cleaning protocols for the caring of these valuable instruments.

Three factors directly affect the process of surgical instruments cleaning include:

Time – Begin the process within 10 to 15 minutes

Temperature – For better cleaning action, use solutions having high temperature

Agitation – Helps to remove dust or soil from the instruments; it may be ultrasonic or manual.     


Step by step cleaning protocol


Don't let your surgical instruments dry after the surgery. Use a wet towel to cover the instruments immediately after your performing surgery. Pre-cleaning formulations are also available.


Wash the instruments by using a soap having neutral pH. Hand scrubs or Betadine may cause corrosion or spot over instruments, so avoid it. Special brushes are available—try them. 

Ultrasonic cleaning

It is best to use ultrasonic cleaning (if available) to avoid cross-contamination. You need to place surgical instruments in the ultrasonic unit for 15 to 20 minutes. Don't forget to use a solution having neutral pH.


Rinse the surgical instruments immediately after the ultrasonic cleaning. Always use warm or normal water for better results.


The next step is the air drying of the surgical instruments. Firstly, remove the excess water by blotting, then allow them to air dry. Secondly, allow it to air dry and avoid towel drying, which may impose spots on the instruments. 


Lubricate the instruments after the drying process. Don't make the use of a milk bath that may support the growth of bacteria. Moreover, silicone or mineral-based lubricants may complicate steam sterilization.


The basic principle of sterilization is that ratchets and hinges must be open during sterilization for better steam penetration. In case of using a tray or a pan, make a reasonable choice. 

Delicate or lighter instruments should be on top of the heavy ones. If you use plastic pouches, make sure they don't stack each other in the sterilization chamber.         

How to differentiate between rust and stains?

If you observe any discoloration on instruments, use a pencil eraser to find its source. The appearance of the pit after erasing the color will confirm the occurrence of corrosion. Otherwise, it is only a stain that you can remove easily.

Final tips:

·      Don’t let the drying of debris or water on instruments

·      Don’t use household cleaners, dish soap, disinfectants, and other random soap for the cleaning of the instruments

·      Don't use cold, harsh solutions for soaking instruments


Read more by clicking on the link below:

ABCs of instrument care