Veterinary nurses, Clara Grant and Christina Ortiz, are taking on Manhattan!

Taking care of your beloved pet isn’t always easy. A vet may prescribe a specific treatment for your pet, but this may not be the easiest to follow through with. Things like bandage changes, drain care, bladder expressions, and physical therapy may be difficult if you don’t know what to do. It’s also not always practical to load up an unwell or elderly animal into the car for a vet visit every time help is needed.

Christina Ortiz and Clara Grant are on a mission to bring nursing care for pets to the home, and are making a difference in the lives of pets all over NYC. The two became unexpected friends when Christina overheard a scuffle in the cat unit.

She discovered Clara and a nervous trainee struggling to sedate a cat for a catheter. Together, Christina and Clara got the cat sedated, and then helped the trainee learn how to put in a catheter. The trainee became more confident as a result, and Clara and Christina forged a friendship that has lasted for years—even into the current coronavirus outbreak.

Helping discharged pets at home

Skoop started as an ambulette service, designed to “scoop” up ailing pets and drive them safely to the hospital. This changed however, as one of the nurses, Christina, had to deal with some family issues that changed her perspective.

In 2018, Christina’s mom passed away and her father was left to care for 3 dogs alone. An elderly man himself, it was difficult for him to provide proper care for these pets, when he also needed to be looking after himself. 

The two realized that there was room for more than just micro-ambulance services that could help people like her father. Many pets get discharged into home care with pet parents who are confused and worried about the complex instructions given to them.

On the medical side of things, many nurses have expressed frustration about being underutilized, even though they could be of greater service to pets if options were available.

Skoop fills home care needs for pets

The result of this realization is Skoop. It’s a home-based service that brings much needed nursing care to animals in their homes, at affordable prices. It can be frightening to be sent home with a pet who needs what sounds like advanced care, and worry that you won’t do it properly and hurt your pet.

Knowing there is an option that takes the stress out of home care is bringing relief to hundreds of people around NYC. The care takes place inside the Skoop van.

Christina Ortiz and Clara Grant are amazing nurses who care deeply about pets. They’re working toward not just filling a much needed gap in medical care, but also in mending the inequities in the veterinary field, and unifying nurses.

Their motto, “to create a better tomorrow, we have to work together today!” reveals a little about their character. There’s no doubt they are making a difference, each and every day.

Check it out:

Skoop NYC