Effectiveness of oral lotilaner

A study evaluated the effectiveness of oral lotilaner in eight dogs with confirmed sarcoptic mange. Dogs were evaluated initially and after 14 days and then at  1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12. Lotilaner was administered to each dog and then was repeated after one and two months. No other treatment was given to the patients.  

The results showed that pruritus resolved after two weeks. The cutaneous score was also reduced by almost half, and skin scrapings were negative for five of the eight dogs.

After one month, all eight of the dogs had negative skin scrapings and lesions were absent after two months.  All skin scrapings were negative after one month and all lesions were absent after two months.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Clinical, Parasitological, and Serological Follow-Up of Dogs with Sarcoptic Mange Treated Orally with Lotilaner


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