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Evaluation of persistent leptospiruria in dogs

Researchers evaluated thirty-two dogs of various ages and breeds that had been diagnosed with leptospirosis via polymerase chain reaction assay (PCR.). T

Fifteen of 32 dogs had a negative urine PCR on the first submission in the study, 5 of 15 received only aminopenicillin. The remaining 17 dogs had a negative urine PCR on the second (n = 6 dogs), third (n = 5), fourth (n = 5), and eighth (n = 1) submissions.

Acute kidney injury was reported all of the dogs and two developed chronic kidney disease.

Study suggests that since persistent leptospiruria can occur despite treatment, follow-up urine PCR to confirm clearance of the organism is recommended in all dogs.

For more information, click on the link below:

Evaluation by polymerase chain reaction assay of persistent shedding of pathogenic leptospires in the urine of dogs with leptospirosis