A peek inside Dr. Christopher Byers hectic life

Christopher Byer is a board-certified veterinary emergency and critical care specialist, an author and avid blogger. Dr. Byers loves sharing his knowledge of the veterinary world with both those in the veterinary community and concerned pet owners.

His journey to becoming a specialist started young, with his first ever job working with animals. At just 10 years old he was working in a kennel, earning his first dollar by cleaning kennels out and providing for the comfort and wellbeing of the animals.

Since then, he has grown in his love for animals, and his passion for animal care. Christopher chose to specialize in veterinary emergency, and now helps save thousands of animals each year through his skills.

One of the biggest concerns he has about the veterinary world is that there aren’t quite enough graduates following in his footsteps. The more specialists there are in the veterinary world, the better the care animals will receive. With fewer graduates choosing to specialize, the availability of specialized care is reducing at a time where needs for that care is increasing.

It’s a big concern, and not one easily addressed, especially as the demand for pet care is quickly outpacing the availability of veterinarians—specialist or not.

Although Dr. Christopher loves being a veterinarian, he also has a strong passion for music. If he had to choose a different career besides vet care, he would become an A&R (artists & repertoire) for a music label. He loves listening to music and finding a way to support that love with a job would be fulfilling in its own way.

Dr. Byer also loves dancing and believes everyone should take the time to turn on some music, listen to the rhythm, and dance. It’s a wonderful way to connect with the world around you in a meaningful way, no matter what sort of dance calls to you.

Today, Dr. Byer is enjoying a successful career and continuing to grow both as a person and a veterinarian. He is always seeking to step out of his comfort zone, and learn something new about how the world works.

He shares much of his knowledge on his blog, https://criticalcaredvm.com/ where he talks about various diseases and injuries that can occur to dogs, and what to do if you think your dog might have that problem. 

The articles are written in a conversational style that is easy to understand, while still being highly informative.

Dr. Byer’s goal as a veterinarian is to change the vet industry in a meaningful way. His passion and drive has already pushed him to great heights as a veterinarian, but he hopes to continue adding to his success, helping animals one day at a time.

He continues to work on sharing his knowledge with the veterinary community, including co-editing a textbook on the subject entitled, Feline Emergency and Critical Care Medicine. The unique book is carefully edited to make it easy to reference at any time, so it can be helpful both in real life situations as well as in the classroom.

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