Vet Candy

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Identification and prevalence of Cytauxzoon felis-carriers in domestic cats in Kansas

Cytauxzoon felis is a tick-borne protozoan parasite in felines and often fatal. Cats that survive this disease often stay infected and serve as reservoirs. C. felis-domestic cat carriers have been identified in states close to Kansas. 

A study was conducted to determine the prevalence of C. felis-carriers in the eastern Kansas domestic cat population. It was performed using a sensitive, quantitative PCR analysis that targets C. felis Cox3 mitochondrial genes.

Results indicate a prevalence of 25.8% of C. felis infection in domestic cats in eastern Kansas. More C. felis-carrier cats were identified, and it suggested a seasonal fluctuation of survivors. Also, feral and owned cats represent a higher percentage of positive for C. felis than rescue or rescinded cats. Other findings reported were that C. felis-domestic cat carriers were more likely to survive cytauxzoonosis than expected.

Further studies are required to understand better factors involved in C. felis infection and reduce this infection in domestic cats.


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Prevalence of Cytauxzoon felis Infection-Carriers in Eastern Kansas Domestic Cats