California veterinary board to discuss lack of access to veterinary care In California

The California Veterinary Medical Board (Board) will meet by teleconference at 9:00 a.m., on Thursday, January 28, 2021 to discuss, amongst other agenda items, a “Presentation and Discussion on Access to Veterinary Care in California” presented by representatives from San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SF SPCA) and Humane Society of the United States, Pets for Life (HSUS PFL).

The presentation, available online, includes the results of a study conducted by New Banfield Pet Hospital®, titled “75 Million Pets May Not Have Access to Veterinary Care by 2030, New Banfield Pet Hospital® Study Finds,” published on September 14, 2020.

Some, but not all pet owners do not seek veterinary care for their pets because they do not believe they can afford such care; others reportedly do not see the value in such care.

For the former, the growing veterinary health insurance industry may provide assistance.  For the latter, the message must be clearer-routine annual examinations increase the health and longevity of pets.

Anyone interested in attending the California Veterinary Board meeting where at least some of these issues will be discussed can do so by logging into the website and enter the following event number and password: Event number: 146 539 8288 Event password: VMB128.

Read more by clicking on the link below:
California Veterinary Board To Discuss Lack Of Access To Veterinary Care In California


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