Researchers show that discrimination can persist, often perpetuated by those who think it is not happening.

While women remain underrepresented in a number of professions, including certain fields of science and engineering, evidence also shows that women who work in previously male-dominated fields are still prone to experiencing bias and discrimination. This bias can be expressed by both men and women and can affect pay and promotion, performance evaluations, and treatment among colleagues.

Researchers evaluated studies that demonstrate biases persist even when women become well represented, including veterinary medicine

A study showed that managers evaluating an employee randomly assigned a male (versus female) name as more competent and advising a $3475.00 higher salary, equating to an 8% pay gap- despite having equal qualifications.

Those who thought bias was not happening in their field were the key drivers of the discrimination.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

In some professions, women have become well represented, yet gender bias persists—Perpetuated by those who think it is not happening


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