Multi-method approach with enrofloxacin for unresponsive canine pyoderma

A new crystal-solvate oral enrofloxacin was given 10 mg/kg/day by mouth along with a 0.5% topical formulation three times a day, to an outpatient clinical trial for dogs with unresponsive, deep-bacterial canine pyoderma (UDCP), without a control group.

Fifty-five severe to very severe cases that were previously treated with another antibiotic unsuccessfully, were selected for this trial. A complete successful resolution was obtained in 32 severe and 23 very severe cases.

The main bacterial isolates found were mostly Staphylococcus species, along with some Streptococcus, and others including Pseudomonas aeruginosa .

Average treatment lasted eight to ten days for severe and twelve to fourteen days for very severe cases.

The adverse effects caused by enrofloxacin were inconsequential and blood tests showed no deviations from normal, showing that the use of dual treatment with enrofloxacin is considered safe and highly effective for dogs with unresponsive deep-bacterial canine pyoderma.

Read full article by clicking on the link below:

Multi-method approach with enrofloxacin for unresponsive canine pyoderma


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