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How to own it during vet school

Vet school is an amazing time in your life – while you are pursuing a dream career, you are also meeting a group of likeminded individuals, and growing your knowledge of medicine. You are also going to learn a lot about yourself along the way. Here’s some tips to own it during vet school:

Love your body

Yes we all have that perfect image we wish to achieve, its different for everybody. It is important to love your body as it is the vessel that allows you to live this life and attend veterinary school. Loving your body can mean you want to change it, as long as that change is healthy and brings more happiness to your life and you enjoy the process. You can also love your body exactly the way it is right now and that’s great!

Use your voice

Don’t be afraid to speak up! Your voice and how you communicate with others is so important and is a lifelong skill to keep improving on. Words are powerful, paired with emotion and intention, can change lives. Use your voice to make a difference, an impact, and leave your footprint on the world of veterinary medicine – after all, you are the profession’s future!

Be your true self

Being true to yourself can seem scary, to be vulnerable in front of others, but that vulnerability opens the door for connection, for relationships to form, for opportunities to find you! This also means knowing when to ask for help, with schoolwork or otherwise, and that it’s okay to do so. Find what you love to do and pursue that fervently!

Always practice the art of self-love, because there truly is no one like you!