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What is CBD

“CBD” is the abbreviation for the cannabis-derived compound, Cannabidiol.

What is Cannabidiol?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the many active compounds that are naturally produced in cannabis known as cannabinoids.

While there is still much to learn about these unique compounds, researchers have confirmed that cannabinoids are the source of the cannabis plant’s various medicinal and recreational properties.

Unlike some of the other cannabinoids, most notably Tetrahyrdacannbinol (THC), CBD is a non-intoxicating compound, which means that it will not induce the mind-altering effects associated with “being high.”

Essentially, CBD can deliver the natural, therapeutic properties of the cannabis plant, without the negative side effects of traditional cannabis use.

How Does CBD Work?

While it was initially believed that cannabinoids were only found in cannabis, in the middle of the 20th century, researchers discovered that cannabinoids were produced in the body of most mammals as part of the Endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The ECS is comprised of millions of endocannabinoid receptors, which are classified into two groups: CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

CBD 101: What Does CBD Stand For?