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The difference between marijuana and hemp

Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants in the Cannabaceae family, which consists of three primary species: Cannabis sativaCannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis.

While hemp and marijuana are regularly referred to as “species” or “strains” of Cannabis, they actually do not qualify as either one. In fact, they couldn’t technically be considered as plants at all…

Hemp and marijuana are simply broad classifications of Cannabis that were adopted into our culture; however, they are not legitimate nomenclature for the Cannabis plant.

To clarify the difference between Hemp and Marijuana and clear the smoke on this frequently misinformed subject, let’s explore what each of these terms actually means and how they relate to Cannabis.

What is hemp?

contain 0.3% or less THC content (by dry weight).

While the legal definition described above had not been legitimized until the Agricultural Act of 2018 had passed, “hemp” has generally been used to describe non-intoxicating Cannabis that is harvested for the industrial use of its derived products.

With evidence of its use recorded throughout history, including the discovery of material made from hemp over 10,000 years ago, many believe that hemp was the first crop ever cultivated by mankind.

With the capabilities to produce crucial resources such as food, rope, clothing, paper, housing material, and more, hemp has been the catalyst for man’s earliest innovations.

What is marijuana?

“Marijuana” is a term used to classify varieties of Cannabis that contain more than 0.3% THC (by dry weight)  and can induce psychotropic or euphoric effects on the user.

As varieties of the same plant species, hemp and marijuana share many similarities and can even appear exactly alike.

With contrasting legal regulations and very different effects and usages, you definitely do not want to get these two confused.

To understand just how different these two are, consider these 4 key differences between hemp and marijuana.

Hemp vs Marijuana: Composition

The defining characteristic between hemp and marijuana is the chemical composition contained within each plant.

Both hemp and marijuana can produce high amounts of CBD, the non-intoxicating cannabis compound; however, THC is produced at very different levels.

While hemp can contain no more than 0.3% THC by dry weight, marijuana can contain up to 30% THC content.

Hemp vs Marijuana: Legality

Due to the difference between their levels of THC, hemp and marijuana are regulated very differently under the law.

While hemp was previously regulated as an illegal substance under the Controlled Substance Act of 1970, it was removed as an illegal substance under the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018, which federally legalized hemp and hemp-derived products that contain no more than 0.3% THC.

Marijuana, on the other hand, is still treated as a controlled substance and is federally illegal under the Controlled Substance Act.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Hemp vs Marijuana: The Difference Explained