Five misconceptions about cannabidiol

  1. CBD can get you high

    Because THC and CBD both yield from the marijuana plant, many assume that, like THC, using CBD will get you high. While this is a genuine concern, it is completely false. Within our body’s central nervous system is a group of receptors called the Endocannabinoid System, which researchers believe controls our appetite, mood, pain sensation, memory, and other important functions. Within the Endocannabinoid System are several different receptors, one of which is the CB1 receptor. When the CB1 receptor comes into contact with THC, it causes the psychoactive effects associated with “getting high;” however, when the CB1 receptor comes into contact with CBD, not only does it not cause psychoactive effects, it actually blocks THC from interacting with the CB1 receptor. This allows CBD to inhibit some of the negative effects caused by THC, such as anxiety and memory loss.

  2. CBD is more effective without THC

     It was previously believed that CBD in its isolated form was more potent and concentrated than full spectrum CBD; however, in 2015, the theory was debunked by a study from the Lautenberg Center for General Tumor Immunology in Jerusalem. In the study, researchers administered full spectrum CBD and CBD isolate to two different groups of mice. When comparing the data of the two groups, the results proved that the group administered with full spectrum CBD were provided with higher levels of relief. Furthermore, the study demonstrated that full spectrum CBD continued to provide relief as the dose increased, while CBD Isolate did not provide the same effect when there was an increase in dosage.

  3. CBD is legal in all 50 states

    If you’ve ever visited an online CBD store, you’ve likely seen how companies claim CBD is “legal in all 50 states,” and strongly urge you to buy it for your uncle, mother, sister, and neighbor. While we are huge supporters of Cannabidiol, we know that it is, in fact, not legal in all 50 states, nor is it legal for everyone and anyone to use. Currently, CBD is legal at a state-level in 44 states; however, the law’s vary from state to state, with some states having “CBD-only” laws, meaning possession and usage of CBD are legal under certain medical circumstances. While there has been a lot of progress over the years, the laws are still not well-defined. In the years to come, we are confident that CBD will reach full legality because of the wondrous benefits it offers; however, as of right now, it is not “legal in all 50 states.”

  4. CBD products are all created equal

    A big misconception is that all CBD is created equal. “I used CBD before and it worked great, so if I use this other CBD product I’ll get the same results.” Not always. In order for quality CBD to be yielded, it must be grown, manufactured, extracted, and formed into a final product with very high standards. Just as with any product, in any industry, the manufacturer of a CBD product could cut corners at many different points, resulting in a lower-quality product. It’s unfortunate, but it is the world we live in. That being said, it is very important to always do research on a company before you do business with them, and make sure to purchase products from a company that is known to be trusted in the industry and has a good track record. 

  5. CBD is a cure all

    While CBD definitely offers a ton of medical benefits, it is not the end of all diseases as we know it. If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. As with buying anything, don’t always be so trusting of what someone has to say, especially when they’re selling you something. Always do your research.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

7 Misconceptions About Cannabidiol


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