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Cervical vertebral catheters in Horses

In this study, horses underwent either cervical epidural space (CES) catheterization or subarachnoid space (SAS) catheterization while restrained in stocks, under deep sedation (detomidine and morphine) and local anesthesia (mepivacaine 2%) block. Catheters were placed under ultrasound guidance with visualization of the dura, subarachnoid space and spinal cord between the first (C1) and second (C2) cervical vertebrae. Placement into either location was confirmed with plain and contrast radiography. Cerebral spinal fluid cytology was assessed up to every 24 h for the study period.

Horses were assessed daily for signs of discomfort, neck pain, catheter insertion site swelling, or changes in behavior. A complete postmortem assessment of the spinal tissues was performed at the end of the study period (72 h). Two horses had CES catheters and five horses had SAS catheters placed successfully.

All horses tolerated the catheter well for the duration of the study with no signs of discomfort. Ultrasound was essential to assist placement, and radiography confirmed the anatomical location of the catheters. There was evidence of mild meningeal acute inflammation in one horse and hemorrhage in another consistent with mechanical trauma.

Placement of an indwelling cervical epidural space or subarachnoid space catheter appears to be safe, technically simple, and well tolerated in standing sedated normal horses.

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Cervical vertebral catheters in horses