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The case of the hyperthermic beagle

Snoopy is a 10-year old, male neutered, beagle who presented with a temperature of 104.6F, anorexia, and lethargy. Snoopy had a history of dietary indiscretions and one day prior to presentation, an engorged tick was removed from his ventral abdomin.

Thoracic/abdominal radiographs and chemistry both came back unremarkable. The complete blood count showed: a hematocrit of 37%, white blood cells at 5.99 K/uL, platelets at 101,000/ul. Following intravenous antibiotic therapy overnight, Snoopy ate canned food, remained febrile, and continued to be lethargic. A fine needle aspirate of a prescapular lymph node was initially submitted, followed by blood smear review.

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After consideration of clinical signs and diagnostics, interpretation as leukopenia with probable rickettsial infection, probable mild thrombocytopenia, and possible mild anemia is seen.

Read more about Snoopy from Scopio Labs:

Snoopy Case of the Week