Vet Candy

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The curious case of the snotty nosed cat

Lucky is a 15-year old, male neutered, feline domestic short hair presented with decreased appetite, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea of several weeks duration. Recently, Lucky has been coughing and has nasal and ocular discharge.

Lucky is diabetic, but has not been receiving insulin due to inappetence, and blood glucose levels have been normal, per owner. The clinical suspicion is one that points to carcinomatosis. A fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a lymph node was submitted.

lucky carcinomatosis.png

This was interpreted as carcinomatosis with associated necrotic ischaemic (mesenteric) steatitis. This patient was a referral and was discharged for follow up care.

Read more on Lucky’s case here:

Lucky Case of the Week