Why Dr. Ashley Bourgeois is our mother of the year

Dr. Ashley Bourgeois may not be the only person on the planet these days trying to balance work and life, but she’s definitely doing it with more style than most.  This mom of two (1 and 3 years old) manages to maintain a thriving practice in Portland while allowing us to take a sneak peek at her beautiful-messy life on social media.

What’s her secret?  Her secret is in her approach—she builds in time for self-reflection every day and also makes her family a priority. 

We caught up with her to find out more:

Why I love being a veterinary dermatologist:

As a visual person, I love how I can instantly assess how my patients are doing when I walk into the exam room. Also, most dermatologic diseases are chronic so I really get to know my clients and patients as we work together long term. The chronicity of cases is what frustrates a lot of veterinarians but that is one of the things I love!

Best career advice I received:

There are so many paths you can take with a DVM.  We truly have one of the best and most versatile fields. Someone told me once that if you are not passionate about your job then pivot your career and find something that you love to do.

How I made my first dollar:

I made my first dollar the old fashion way, babysitting!  I grew up in an Air Force family. There was a babysitting course on base you could take when you were around 11 years old and then you could officially start watching kids.

How I clear my head after a stressful day:

Movement and being outside is very important to everyone’s mental and physical health. When I have a stressful day, clearing my mind with a strenuous hike on the weekend or something as simple as a walk around the neighborhood makes me feel centered again.

Advice for my younger self:

Enjoy yourself!  I have always been an ambitious person and tend to focus on the next goal. While I love having big dreams, I have learned to enjoy the season of life I am in as well. 

What everyone should try once in their lifetime:

Skydiving. I know it sounds scary and intimidating but it is so surreal. Once you jump out of the plane it is peaceful and adrenaline-filled all at the same time. I have done it twice and can’t wait to do it again!

The biggest problem facing the veterinary field today:

Patience, respect and setting boundaries for each other. We often want our clients to be patient and respectful to us, but then we judge other doctors in our own field. We all have different ways of practicing, balancing, prioritizing, and coping. We need to besupporting each other - even when we don’t understand each other.  I think this is very important in our industry.

My mission in life:

My mission in life is to bring pride back into veterinary medicine. I want the next generation of veterinary professionals to be excited about our field and realize they made an amazing decision for their career.  And, of course, my second mission in life is to cytology everything!

 Follow Dr. Ashley on her amazing journey while you keep up with hot trends in dermatology by following @thedermvet on social media.




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