Tips for a stress free family vacation

Most of us look forward to vacations. It's a release from work, from daily responsibilities, and a chance to kick up your heels and have fun. Unless of course, your on a family vacation. If you have boisterous kids with frequent demands, it can feel more like you're working even harder on vacation that you were on the job, and a vacation isn't doing anything for your stress.

Vacationing with the kids doesn't have to be a nightmare though. With a good stategy and a carefully chosen destination, you can enjoy family bonding time and relax at the same time.

 Choose a destination that is right for your family 

As much as you might love to go on a road trip across America, or have a camping excursion that truly tests your survival skills—your family might not be on board with that decision. If you want a stress free vacation, a crucial step is picking a vacation spot that everyone will enjoy. That means age appropriate things for your kids to do, as well as options for the parents.

If your kids love camping or road trips, go ahead and plan them. If your child hasn't experienced life without a hot shower and doesn't want to, booking a camping trip in the middle of nowhere is a recipe for a week long whine-fest.

A good middle ground is choosing a family friendly resort, especially if it has a Kids Club. Family resorts have stuff that please everyone. A spa for you, a theme park for them, and a Kids Club to help keep them entertained while you do adult things.

Start packing early

Sometimes the most stressful part of the process is getting ready to go. You already know that it's going to take forever for everyone to decide what they want to bring. If your kid is excited to go, they may swiftly stuff their toys in their suitcase and claim to be already, because toothbrushes and clothing are not as important as Mr. Stuffs. 

Make a check list to help you keep track of everything you need, and make sure everything is actually in the bag as you check it off. An early start means you won't spend frantic hours trying to get everything together and still make your flight, as well as helps ensure you aren't looking at a week with no underwear because you forgot.

Don't try to do too much

You don't absolutely need to see every single major tourist attraction in the area becausee you are there. Trying to pack too much into one day can stress out both you and your kids, and take the joy out of what you do see because you're too busy cramming it all in. Relax, and if you didn't see everything the first time you visited, just make it a reason to come back.

 Vacation should be about relaxing. If you're not having fun, you're not getting the benefits of spending your money on a new destination. Plan ahead, and you'll find your vacation a fond memory, and not a frazzled one.


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