How effective and humane Is trap-neuter-release?

The number of feral, abandoned cats in the United States is estimated to be between 30 and 80 million individuals (Loss et al. 2018; Jessup 2004). Researchers evaluated the effectiveness of trap-neuter release programs in a retrospective study.

The review of the TNR studies indicated that sometimes populations decline and sometimes they do not. The researchers suggest that while in theory sterilizing enough cats so that the birth rate is less than the death rate would reduce the cat population in a given area, it has not been observed in any study. A large proportion of the colony must be sterilized (71% to 94%) before the population will decline over time.

Another concern with feral cats is whether TNR is humane and truly beneficial for the welfare of cats. Feral cats often experience a painful death and suffer from various diseases and injuries during their lifetimes. Additionally, feral cat colonies are a source of public and wildlife health risk.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

How Effective and Humane Is Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) for Feral Cats?


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