Outcome of cats with congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts treated with film band attenuation.

Researchers evaluated case records of thirty-four cats with congenital extra hepatic portosystemic shunts. Shunts were suspected from clinical signs, clinicopathologic findings, and diagnostic imaging, and confirmed at exploratory laparotomy. Cats treated with thin film band attenuation were included.

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Complications were recorded in 11 of 34 cats. Deaths occurred in 6 of 34 of those. Persistent seizures were the cause of death in 4 of the 6 total deaths. Seizures were recorded in 8 of 34 cats after surgery and all received preoperative antiepileptic drugs.

Three cats had persistently increased serum bile acid concentrations post surgery and underwent a second exploratory laparotomy. One had a patent shunt, the other 2 had multiple acquired portosystemic shunts.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Complications and outcome of cats with congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts treated with thin film: Thirty-four cases (2008-2017).


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