Traveling alone? Try these tips.

When you go on a vacation with your family or friends, you often find that as much fun as you have, you're also confined by the desires of other people. Tired? Too bad, everyone else wants to do the 6 mile waterfall hike. Interested in visiting an art museum? That's not going to fly with your besties who are more interested in that fancy wine tour.

As a single traveler who doesn't have to think about anyone, not even a spouse, a solo vacation can be the biggest luxury out there. There's no one to tell you that you can't sleep all day, or that you can't visit 5 different landmarks in the same day. When you travel alone, you decide everything for yourself, and that's a wonderful feeling.

Of course, traveling alone can be dangerous too, so here are a few ways to enjoy your vacation and keep yourself safe all at the same time.

Do some research

When planning your trip, don't just check what the local attractions are. Research how long it should take you to go from the airport to the hotel, or from the hotel to the destinations you want to see. When you hire a taxi driver, ask them how long they estimate the trip will take. If the estimate is much higher than what you found online, choose a different ride. They may be trying to pad their fairs, or worse, take you somewhere you don't want to go.

Project confidence

When you are checking out a cool new market, or visiting yet another breath taking view, walk like you own the place. If you are constantly second guessing directions, or aren't sure where to go, predators may pick up on that and try to take advantage of you.

If you do need directions, it's okay to lie a little. When you ask for directions, say you need to meet a friend even if you don't. It's a harmless lie to the friendly, and will warn those who might take advantage of you that you're not alone—as far as they know.

Don't tempt fate

Your on vacation. It's tempting to live it up and where your best everywhere you go, but that gold watch or diamond earrings may catch unwanted attention. Better to wear more modest clothing and accessories that doesn't mark you as a tourist or someone with a lot of cash.

That also means avoiding obviously touristy clothing. You may love the idea of wearing a Hawaiian shirt and an old straw hat so you can be the cliché in the movies, but you'll also be painting yourself as an obvious tourist. A little research into what people typically wear in the country you are traveling to can save a lot of hassle.

Traveling alone is an amazing experience, and something everyone should experience at least once in their life. If you're planning on traveling by yourself, you can book without fear, as long as you take sensible steps to protect yourself. Most people aren't out there to hurt you, and protecting yourself against the few that might involves practical steps anyone can do.


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