Pharyngeal contraction in brachycephalic breeds

Airway syndrome is a common disease in brachycephalic dog breeds. This syndrome includes stenotic nares, elongated and thickened soft palate, laryngeal collapse, and tracheal hypoplasia. Pharyngeal collapse is also commonly seen.

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Researchers evaluated pharyngeal motion using tomography during respiration in four dogs diagnosed with brachycephalic airway disease (BAS.). The scan showed laryngopharynx motion in the following order during inspiration: pharyngeal collapse, contraction, and laryngospasm.

Researchers concluded that pharyngeal contraction during inspiration appears to contribute toward the worsening of clinical respiratory signs of BAS.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Pharyngeal Contraction Secondary to Its Collapse in Dogs With Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome


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