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Evaluation of toceranib for anal sac adenocarcinoma in dogs

Researchers evaluated the efficacy of toceranib treatment of apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma in 36 client owned dog. Dogs had been diagnosed through either a cytology or histology. Dogs were treated with toceranib alone or in combination with surgery, nonconcurrent chemotherapy or both.

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The overall survival time (OST) for the study population was 827 days. A clinical benefit from toceranib treatment was observed in 69% of dogs, with 20.7% of dogs experiencing partial response and 48.3% of dogs experiencing stable disease. Dogs that responded to toceranib treatment had significantly prolonged survival times. Hypercalcemia was a negative prognostic factor for clinical outcomes.

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Evaluation of Toceranib for Treatment of Apocrine Gland Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma in Dogs